I will create a Stunning
Portfolio Website on your name !!
On website you can show your skills,
work experience, projects, resume,
share thoughts, cool images,
life journey and contact details.
Example website: Veenarawat.com
Hello, I am Tarun Rawat, from New Delhi India.
Website developer and owner of Tarunrawat.com
I created my website on my name in 2016,
since then I am using my website to show my skills, work portfolio,
my services, testimonials, contact details and travel photos.
In current digital world,
having a domain name on your name is a big deal,
as it show you as a brand and make you professional !!
So, you want to create
portfolio website on your name?
If yes, call me 8076820775
or email me: [email protected]
Please note:
1. Website development cost will be Rs 3000 (all cost include).
2. Website design will be like veenarawat.com (content and image will be replaced).
3. You just have to provide me your information and image.
4. My service include domain purchase, hosting, SEO, fast-loading, responsive design.
5. Your website will remain live for one year, after that you have to renew again.
How process will go:
1. Message me on Whatsapp.
2. Finalise deal.
3. Pay Rs 1000
4. Provide information about you, which you want to publish.
5. I will setup website in maximum seven working days.
6. Once website is live and you approve, you can pay remaining money Rs 2000
Thank you